So there was this kitty person, asking about an oscillator to use to help gauge volume. And being a eager helpful dawgie, I suggested the MACD. This rude … hmmm … (be nice) raunchy feline. =), proceeded to call me a liar and said that the MACD is price base. How rude!!! And how…
KEWLTECH: Issue 023 – Moving Averages vs Levels
Moving Averages are a great tool. I’m not going to go on and on about them. It is part of my tool belt but something I rarely use anymore. Many people can sustain a good income playing them. And I’m not knocking their value and effectiveness. Utilizing them as part of your trading system is…
KEWLTECH: Issue 001 – Cycles
Kewltech is going circle of life thing. Que the music Elton! NOT! As you can see, I really only use 2 oscillators. I used to use RS Wilder but essentially it took too much chart space and became obsolete. Well, not obsolete, but redundant. What are oscillators used for?Generally, they are momentum indicators. They also…