So there was this kitty person, asking about an oscillator to use to help gauge volume. And being a eager helpful dawgie, I suggested the MACD. This rude … hmmm … (be nice) raunchy feline. =), proceeded to call me a liar and said that the MACD is price base. How rude!!! And how stupid!!!
To argue with some one who thinks they are so smart, is really not worth it. So I will address the issue here.
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument. ~William G. McAdoo
What?! MACD isn’t price base?!!
Hell ya it is!!!
So why is this feeeeeeeeeeeeeline stupid?! Why does a dood call himself kitty? Does that put him under homo suspicion? Hmmm. Well lets answer what we do know and care to know. And a cat to be rude that way to a dawg, is far less intelligent than a cat, with mouth wide open, who frequents the receiving end of a defecating 5 ton elephant who couldn’t find his immodium. But I digress.
Why is this newb a boob?
What does the 2nd letter in MACD stand for?
A V E R A G E ! !
What does the word AVERAGE in math stand for?
Are you smarter than a fifth grader?
Lets consult a math definition for AVERAGE.
Mean or Average is defined as the sum of all the given elements divided by the total number of elements.
Sum of what??
ALL the given elements.
What does ALL suggest?
A quantity of stuff, elements to add up ergo sum.
If some of those “elements” that make up the “ALL” is of the same value as in prices, what significance will that have to our Moving Average?
The moving average will be found at the price level because the “AVERAGE” will be strongly swayed that way due to the “frequency” of such “elements” at that value. Is why ma’s are often found at levels.
Frequency of elements at that value will sway the price. Average is the sum of all……blah blah blah.
Could you therefore assert, that these elements can also be described as the volume of stuff?
Now how does the MACD represent volume.
Secret!!! Best place to hide a secret. In front of your nose. For those of you who trade with me. Not top secret.
To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge.
Benjamin Disraeli (1804 – 1881)
Don’t mess with THE DAWG!! kitty!
is that an hns? pop to daily target then drop? its possible its possible
i wonder what flip flop gooroo would do
And the result…
And from the daily perspective…
After the fact? Hell no!!!
I Still did not understand. Just a little push will be enough